Highways & Bridges
SES's credentials combined with multifaceted skills translate into provision ol sarvices covering whole spectrum of highway dlsveiopment and management. Bridges and Srrjctures rorm an integral part of highway/roads and pro.ide connecinily across the calm or turbulent river or flvovers to mneet increcsing congestion.Ses's always accepted ine dnclenge with great enttiuslssn fo provite innovatre solutions in response to clanis needs.Our understandng of highway/brldge engineering is unparalleled encapsulating ali dimensions from planning to design and construction.We employ a multidisciplinary approach to projects,providing comprehensive highway engineering solutions.We are driven by a commitment to excellence and proving the best of services to our clientele.
SES's expertise includes:
- Topographic Surveys
- Feasibility Studies
- Pre-bid Services&Advisory
- Proof Checking
- Traffic Validation and Revenue Forecast
- Preliminary Design and Value Engineering
- Detailed Engineering Services(Highway & Bridges)
- Lenders Engineer Services
- Project Management Consultancy.
- Construction/Maintenance Supervision and Independent Engineer's Services.